Buy that special someone an AP Physics prep book! The 2025 edition will come out on Oct. 15, 2024, and is 100% aligned with the new course and exam description, including new practice exams: 5 Steps to a 5 AP Physics 1

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20 June 2024

5 Steps to a 5 AP Physics 1 2025 edition RELEASE DATE! And link to request review copy.

Aha!  We have a date... McGraw-Hill says that both the Physics 1 book and the Physics C book will publish on October 15, 2024.  Here is a link to preorder (none in stock yet as of June 2024), and to request a review copy.  

The 5 Steps series has migrated from McGraw-Hill's professional side to their education side.  Which means they are treating the 5 Steps prep book like a textbook for the purpose of marketing.  Awesome!  You can now request a review copy for yourself.  And, you can request to purchase a class set at a discount!  


  1. The review-copy request requires the ISBN. Is it 9781266712265 (which is a 13-digit number, though it isn't explicitly labeled as the ISBN on the page).

  2. Amazon is listing this as December 31. I think this is a random date, so does that mean the release date has been pushed back?

  3. Hi! Indeed this is an updated, pushed-back, release date. :-( Please take a look at this post on my new site!

  4. Hi Jacob. I appreciate all of your updates! I am one of the pre order customers with Amazon and it is still showing Aug 19 as my ship date. I used the ISBN number for McGraw Hill as well, and getting a similar issue, cannot add anything related to that book or resources to my cart. Super frustrating. Any advice?

  5. Hi, anon! I posted an update on the new blog site, The book is published and is shipping this week! Amazon is, um, *wrong.* :-) People have received their books, so yours is on the way or will be soon. Thanks!

  6. I should also add, i ordered this book in January and it said it would ship 2/18 and now says 8/19

  7. Yes - my editor is working with Amazon to try to get that huge monstrosity of a company to change their ship date to reflect that the product is in fact shipping from the McGraw-Hill warehouse right now!
