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20 May 2017

Conceptual Physics Tournament Sunday May 21 2017

[The following is a letter to my school's community describing our project-in-lieu-of-exam that will happen tomorrow.  If any blog reader is interested in creating something similar at her or his school, please let me know.  I'd love to help out!]

Folks, tomorrow is the first ever WFS Conceptual Physics Tournament.  

Instead of preparing for an exam, our students have been preparing to present and discuss the solutions to some rather deep problems, which are attached to this email.  Mentors from the AP Physics classes have helped the 3rd formers conduct experiments, to understand the underlying theory, and to deliver a two-minute talk.

Tomorrow, each student will be assigned to report in two "physics fights."  Think of the physics fight as a thesis defense.  The reporter presents his/her two-minute talk; and then the examiners engage in conversation with the reporter for five more minutes.  The examiners are probing how deeply the students truly understand the problem, and how clearly the students can articulate their understanding.

Physics fighting is a spectator sport.  We encourage all members of the community (including parents of 3rd formers!) to come out to watch a few physics fights.  These will take place in Manning and Kenan.  We will run approximately eight rounds, beginning at 1:00 and ending around 3:00.  The specific fight schedule will be posted in the dining hall and to the news folder around 12:30 Sunday.

Alex Tisch and Colin Manning have done tremendous work preparing their students, not just in the past couple of weeks, but all year.  The mentors have taken to their task with relish.  The 3rd formers have worked very hard, and are ready to demonstrate their knowledge.  Come see the fruits of their labor.  


11:30: Examiner arrival, lunch in Terry Dining Room
12:00: Examiner training in Terry Dining Room
12:30: Posting of fight card
12:50: Examiners and students move to fight rooms

1:00: Round 1
1:12: Round 2
1:24: Round 3
1:36: Round 4

1:48: Break; examiners switch partners

2:00: Round 5
2:12: Round 6
2:24: Round 7
2:36: Round 8

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