14 March 2020

Jacobs Physics Podcast: Season 3, episode 1, 2019 AP Physics 1 problem 1

I've no doubt that many folks are looking for good online AP Physics review.  Well, I'm going to go through the entire AP Physics 1 exam from 2019 on a series of 30 minute podcasts.  Today, I start with problem 1: velocity-time graph and change in angular momentum for blocks on a table.  Digressions include:

* The five facts you need to know about velocity-time graphs (and you don't need to know anything else!  Really!

* My one-day approach to teaching velocity-time graphs, including experimental work

* Why you should never ask (or answer) questions during a practice AP test, or really during any test or quiz

* How to set up this problem experimentally

* When and whether you need to worry about drawing arrows at the right spot and to the right length on a free body diagram.

If you have other questions, stories, or comments about the Jacobs Physics Podcasts, please email, or post a comment here.  I'm happy to take requests for future problems to discuss!  (Send me a few hundred dollars cash, and I'll probably even record a podcast on the exact problem you're working on right now.  :-)  )

Here's the link to this season's episode 1, about the 2019 AP Physics 1 problem 1.  You might, um, notice that I called it season 4 in the opening.  Sorry.  It's season 3.

To get other Jacobs Physics Podcast episodes, go here and here and here and here and here and here.  (Or just type "podcast" in the search box.)

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