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08 May 2023

AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C - Mechanics Daily Review: Fundamentals check 14

It's Monday May 8.  We're almost to exam day!  I have some P1 students at my house this evening, doing corrections from last month's test, and working on review problems.  It's a relaxed atmosphere, with music playing and lots of food available.  Conversation is 75% physics related, which is a fantastically favorable ratio.

I've expressly forbidden studying the night before the exam.  (No physics C students are here tonight, because their exam is tomorrow!)  On the morning before the exam, students are excused from class, but I still won't let them study.  Rather, they sleep in, then come to my house for a final relaxed hangout before the exam - again, with copious food.  

People who've never met my students often are gobsmacked by me saying "no studying" the night before the big exam.  But the proof is in the pudding - my students have overperformed, year after year, decade after decade.  It's more important to go into the 3 hour exam relaxed and confident than it is to try to cram that one more practice problem that isn't gonna help, anyway.  

The best performers don't go on stage scared about how they could screw up; they go on excited to show their audience what they've got.  Do the same on Thursday.  You've been doing these fundamentals checks for a month!  Now, go show the readers all the stuff you've learned.


131. What is the equation relating the force of friction to the coefficient of friction?

132. An object attached to a horizontal spring oscillates in simple harmonic motion.  What is the equation for the magnitude of the net force on the object?  And describe the direction of that net force.

133. An object on a platform scale has mass 3 kg.  Describe a situation in which the normal force on the object is greater than 30 N.

134. What is the equation for the potential energy of an object-spring system?

135. A steady force of 5 N acts on a 3 kg object over a distance of 6 m.  How much work is done by the steady force on the object?

136. Write the equation for rotational kinetic energy.

137. Write the equation for rotational inertia of a point object.

138. What are the units of power?

139. A person attached to a parachute falls through the air at constant speed.  What is the Newton's third law force pair to the person's weight?

140. An object rotates clockwise and slows down.  Is the net torque on the object clockwise, counterclockwise, or zero?

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