25 November 2020

Physics Walks - weekend of Nov 27-28-29, 2020

Do you have a question, story, or comment about physics teaching?  Let's take a physics walk.

Hi, all.  Students left last Friday, grades are done, and we are not traveling for Thanksgiving.  I'm having a hard time convincing myself to stop eating cheese on the couch.  

At the AP Physics reading, there's a group who spends their hard-earned lunchbreak walking the streets of Kansas  City.  I miss those physics walks.  We usually talk about physics, physics teaching, fun and funny stories about our schools and students... 

This weekend, I'm setting aside several hours when I'd like to be walking around campus with my dogs.  This is a great time to talk to me about physics teaching.  No obligations, no strings attached - sure, your questions might inspire a future blog post or podcast, but truly, I'm just looking for a friendly reason to get outside while I'm quarantining.  All physics teachers welcome, whether you've been in one of my institutes, or whether you've never met me before!

To sign up:

1. Go to this google doc and find a time that works for you.

2. Follow the instructions to send me an email with contact info

3. I'll call you this weekend while I'm walking!

1 comment:

  1. I had fun with a bunch of physics walks this weekend. I'll do something like this again, perhaps when I need to make some long drives in December...
