19 March 2020

Jacobs Physics Podcast: Season 3, episode 2: AP Physics 1 2019 problem 2, the modified atwood machine

Today we discuss the Quantitative-Qualitative Translation question from the 2019 AP Physics 1 exam.  Digressions include:

* How to practice limiting case reasoning

* Two different approaches to two-body problems, with pedagogical advantages/disadvantages of each

* Why "derive" doesn't mean "show your work," it means "communicate using mathematics"

* Credit for being wrong but consistent (with good physics)

Tune in via this link.  The podcast is 31 minutes long.  The first 28 minutes discuss the rubric, but in concert with a thorough discussion of the underlying physics, the philosophy of teaching these topics, and the philosophy of awarding (or not awarding) the points described in the rubric.  If you're just looking for an executive summary of how the points were awarded, fast forward to the 28-minute mark.

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