22 March 2020

2020 AP updates, and I'll be doing AP Physics 1 review classes for the College Board...

Folks, as the Horsemen ride, massive changes are happening in the world of AP Physics.  Take a look here for official announcements.  (I really hope that this link goes inactive someday in the future... someday when we can again congregate in public.)

The quick summary for AP Physics 1 in 2020 only:

* Testing will be available online from home.
* Electricity, circuits, and waves will NOT be on the exam.
* The AP reading will done online.

A lotta more details are available on the announcement page.  And I've no doubt even more details will show up in the next few weeks.

Online review, hosted by Greg!

The College Board has tapped a bunch of folks to do a set of online review classes in every discipline.  For AP Physics 1, your hosts are: North Carolina's Josh Beck, and me.

Starting Wednesday March 25, and continuing through at least the end of April, Josh or I will be on live at noon eastern time via the Advanced Placement Youtube Channel.  The sessions will be available asynchronously* as well as live. 

*There's a word that I may have seen like thrice in my life before last week, and now it's part of my daily vocabulary 

We're still working out the topics for each session.  These will be posted on the channel. 

I'll be broadcasting alone from my classroom - I live on campus at my boarding school, where the classrooms are sanitized, private to each teacher, and for now open for business.  That means that I have access to my equipment.  For example, the March 25 class will be about rotational kinematics.  I've got quantitative demonstrations set up with a PASCO wireless rotational motion probe.  Friday I'll be doing a class about experimental design, focusing on torque in equilibrium - again, with live demonstrations.

If you have thoughts or suggestions or comments, please contact me via twitter - I'm @gregcjacobs, though for students during the live sessions I'm going to try using @JacobsPhysics.  We'll see how that all goes. 

Remember, we're all new to this world of exclusively online interaction.  Expect my classes to be raw - fun, engaging, but not a polished television show.  I'll screw up on air.  That's okay.  It's authentic.


  1. Greg,
    Thank you for stepping up to the plate and doing this type of reviews for our students! You clearly convey the content and skills needed for them to succeed in the "All Star Game" as I call it.
    Also, I really enjoyed your "live" experiments and interactive discussion; just remember one thing about science demos: if it moves, it's bio; if it is smells, it's chemistry, if it doesn't work... it's physics!
    In any case, for some of us this remote learning deal is a new sport; as you commented: it feels like the 2nd year all over again. You did a great job, keep it up and have phun!
    Be well,
    Fed Duay
    Valhalla, NY
    PS: as Hewitt-Drew-it! says: "Good energy!"

  2. Greg,
    Thank you for stepping up to the plate and doing this type of reviews for our students! You clearly convey the content and skills needed for them to succeed in the "All Star Game" as I call it.
    Also, I really enjoyed your "live" experiments and interactive discussion; just remember one thing about science demos: if it moves, it's bio; if it is smells, it's chemistry, if it doesn't work... it's physics!
    In any case, for some of us this remote learning deal is a new sport; as you commented: it feels like the 2nd year all over again. You did a great job, keep it up and have phun!
    Be well,
    Fed Duay
    Valhalla, NY
    PS: as Hewitt-Drew-it! says: "Good energy!"

  3. Thanks Greg for taking up this mantle.
    I wondering do you have a schedule on what you will be covering each day. I really would like the assign some apclassroom problems that are aligned to what you are covering each day for my students. Thanks!
    Physics Teacher in Texas

  4. TexasPhysics, the College Board will be posting a schedule soon - we just finished filling it out Wednesday! It'll start with a week of rotation, followed by review topics from the whole course. The last couple of weeks are planned (as of March) to be review of released AP problems.

  5. Greg. I also would like to thank you for all that you are doing to get our kids (and teachers) through this unprecedented time. I figure that the reviews will "for the most" part be a reflection of what the students will see on the modified FRQ exam. I am planning on mirroring much of my Distance Learning on the scope and sequence you, Mr. Beck and the CollegeBoard are providing. Our district has ask we limit the workload of all our students under the assumption that we don't know each of their personal circumstances, so I am using the You Tube Reviews as the backbone of my plan. Is there a way for you to post the documents you are displaying on the videos on this page so teachers could include them in their Distance Learning plans to be used in conjunction with the videos? Even afterwards would help greatly. I plan on having the kids view the reviews at specific times so I could do a "Live Chat" on Microsoft Teams. Having the specific documents to refer to would greatly help I think. Sorry for the request. I am continuing to find the most effective pedagogy to help my kids be successful. They have all been working their butts off up to this point. Good luck and thanks again!
    Joe Murray
    VMHS Murrieta CA

  6. Here are two links from Wednesday Mar. 25:

    Facts from Wednesday's class: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dsWlNfYA5kYaQxmL-cbXkF2mEDqJ4cXA/view?usp=sharing

    And the problems that I did in class and for the next day:

    1. Thank you. This is very helpful. If this is something you and Mr. Beck feel might be helpful to many of us who will be consistently using your reviews in our Distance Learning plans, is there a way to have the CollegeBoard post the Review Documents on their website?..or on this site? Either way, again, thank you for all you and Mr.Beck are doing for everyone... it's funny. I went to an all boy's preparatory school in Rhode Island (Portsmouth Abbey). It's where I fell in love with science. I can imagine you have a very cool job:-)

  7. Hi Greg, A question my students had is: will they be submitting only what they can type into an answer form, or will they be able to draw something on paper and submit a photograph? i.e. for an FBD you need to draw, and we have been using tools like energy bar charts to justify in paragraph length responses. I know we'll hear more in the weeks to come but thought you might have a sense of this. Sara Rutledge, Charleston SC

  8. No clue, Sara... no one has any idea yet. The development committees are working on it. I've heard all sorts of speculation and "I heard that..." but nothing has been decided. April 3 is when the next announcements will be made. (Good to hear from you!)

  9. Okay, so I have just have to ask... Is your "Everything is fine" comment that is written on the whiteboard in your videos a reference to "The Good Place?"

  10. Yes. I’m expecting Michael to pop out any minute, though Chidi (or Simone!) would be more useful right now. :-)
