16 May 2024

New online APSI Physics 1 offering - June 24-27, through PWISTA

By popular request, my June 24-27 APSI through PWISTA will now be online.  You can sign up through this link.

Online means you can attend from anywhere, and even bug out for a moment to feed/clean up after the dog/kid.  :-)  Demand was not there for a New York session in person, but we've had a number of requests for another online session!

The PWISTA online session runs synchronously through Zoom from 9am to 3pm each day.  I'm also available for "office hours" from 8:30 each morning, and until 4pm each day.  And I'm happy to arrange for further conversations outside of these times.  As with all institutes, online or in person, you'll get access both to the official College Board materials, AND to my personal files with problem sets, lab activities, quizzes, and tests.  

The AP Physics 1 exam is changing for 2024-25, adding fluid mechanics and a few other minor topics.  And, the exam format will change significantly.  I'll discuss all the changes, but I'll also do all the labs, demonstrations, teaching/culture building tips, etc. that are the hallmark of a Jacobs Physics institute.

Join us in June - you won't be disappointed!  Please feel free to contact me via email with questions.



  1. Hello, will there be a July version of this course?

  2. Sorry, no APSI online for me in July. Just the ones listed in the sidebar!
