05 September 2023

Don't make agreements you aren't willing to fulfill

In spring of 2021, a student asked me, "Hey, Mr. Jacobs, if we *all* pass the AP exam, can we cut your hair?"  I said, "sure."  The odds of every one of my 15-20 9th graders passing the AP Physics 1 exam were not great.  Not insurmountable, but unlikely.  And lo, that year most students did pass, but a couple did not.

I made the same deal with my class in 2022.  And again in 2023.  

But, whoops.  In early July I got the score report - all 17 students got 3s and above.  Gulp.  

A promise is a promise.  

It will grow out.  Eventually.  Congratulations to an awesome class.

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