05 June 2023

Greetings from Physics Camp

Something like two dozen AP physics readers descended upon Gates Barbecue this evening on "dine out night", the night when the College Board was paying our restaurant tabs.  I had fun conversations on the walk there, during dinner, on the walk back, and in the Westin lobby where two different sets of physicists were playing two different card games.  

Regular blog followers know how much I love the AP reading. Grading papers all day for two weeks is intense, in the same way the football two-a-day practice week or band camp are intense.  The skills built for the season pay enormous dividends in the long term; and the camaraderie, the relationships created, can't be replicated in less intense venues.

I have lots of thoughts for future posts, including a discussion of the physics meaning of the colloquial word "faster", what the word "conservation" means in our students' minds, and the physical reasons for an experimental discrepancy.  But eight hours of brain work requires sleep sometimes... so I'll be back in a week or two, when perhaps I've recovered.  

Take me down to Kansas City
Where the rubric's clean and we take no pity
Oh won't you please take me home...

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