17 April 2023

AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C - Mechanics Daily Review: Fundamentals check 4

Time for a new fundamentals check!  Note that some questions may be similar or even identical to past checks - that's absolutely normal.  Try this without looking at notes!  If you truly understand, then you should be able to get it right the second time even if you missed it the first time.  :-)


31. What are the units of power?

32. Write the formula to find the gravitational field at a planet's surface.

33. Define angular acceleration.

34. (a) Can angular momentum be converted to linear momentum?  (b) Can rotational kinetic energy be converted to translational kinetic energy?

35. I stand at rest on a platform scale.  What is the Newton's third law companion force to my weight?

36. What are the units of acceleration?

37. A coconut falls from a tree onto a person's head, where it stops.  The equation J = Ft is used to calculate the force of the coconut on the person.  Describe in words what the variable t represents.

38. In a satellite's circular orbit, is the gravitational potential energy of the planet-satellite system constant or changing throughout the orbital path?  Explain very briefly why.

39. A lump of clay is stuck to a meterstick, which rotates about the meterstick's center of mass.  The rotational inertia of the meterstick is I, and the rotational inertia of the clay is MR^2.  What is the rotational inertia of the meterstick-clay system?

40. When is the equation speed = distance / time valid?

Answers Tuesday or Wednesday in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Answers to fundamentals check 4:

    31. watts, or joules per second.

    32. g = GM/r^2. (If you said "F = GM/r^2", you're wrong - this is a gravitational field, NOT a force!)

    33. the change in angular speed every second. (Not "radians per second per second" or "rad/s/s" - these are the *units* of angular acceleration. Say what angular acceleration actually means. See the post from 2 Apr 2023.)

    34. (a) no. (b) yes.

    35. the force of me on the earth. (Weight is the force of the earth on me, so the force pair is the force of me on the earth. The force of the scale on me is equal and opposite to my weight, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with Newton's third law; that's due to balanced forces and equilibrium.)

    36. m/s/s. (Again, please see the 2 Apr 2023 post.)

    37. the time for the collision to happen. (Not the time the coconut was in the air; nor just "time", because "time" can mean a lot of things.)

    38. constant. GPE here depends on the distance from the planet's center, which doesn't change in a circular orbit.

    39. I + MR^2. (Rotational inertias are additive.)

    40. when an object moves at constant speed.
