15 May 2022

Live Physics Time: the 2022 AP Physics 1 exam

Folks, I'll be live Monday morning May 16 on https://mixlr.com/jacobsphysics starting at 6:15 am to discuss the 2022 AP Physics 1 exam.  During the show, I'll be checking my alternate email, gregcjacobs at gmail.  Send something if you have a question you'd like answered!

The show will be archived on the showreel.  Listen live if you'd like to join the conversation via chat or email; or listen to the archive if you can't get up that early.  :-)

As always, the show is live during the morning dog walk.  Don't expect polished infotainment - expect a friendly, informal conversation about physics and physics teaching.

(And if there's further demand for discussion, I'm happy to do another LPT later in the week.)

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