31 May 2021

Live Physics Time on Twitter: Monday May 31 2021, 7 pm eastern - it worked!

Postscript: Thank you to the dozens who listened as I discussed the 2021 AP Physics 1 exam.  The stream worked.  Now, I'll use this to call Saturday's Portland Thorns vs. the Fellowship of the Ring match; and, I'll use this to do future spontaneous Live Physics Times.  Send in your questions and thoughts!  If I don't have time to write up a blog post, I may do a Live Physics Time while I walk the dogs some morning!

Hey, all!  I want to try out the Twitter live broadcast function.  So tonight at 7 pm (eastern), I'm going to, um, try it out.

Look on my twitter feed @gregcjacobs.  If all works as planned, you should be able to hear me talking live about the 2021 AP Physics exams, about conceptual physics, and about whatever people want to know about.  Have a question?  Drop it on twitter during the broadcast.

This is all a trial!  If it works well, I have two things planned for the feature:

(1) The Central Virginia Portland Thorns Fan Club will use it to broadcast their watch parties live; and

(2) I can do more Live Physics Time in the fall, maybe even from my classroom.  

We'll see - the possibilities are numerous once I can get this broadcast feature working.  Tonight, though, is deliberately last-minute.  I'm hoping that a few dedicated physics teachers or students tune in.  I'm hoping that a small group of us have a good time together, for 20 minutes or so (or longer if there's an audience that wants to keep going!).  And I'm hoping that the group is small and friendly enough that when something doesn't work right, it's okay.  :-)


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