07 March 2021

Not physics - question about English Pie.

In 2015, I was in London for a month on sabbatical.  I went to three football games, one Victorian pottery factory, toured several sports cathedrals and one school, and sat with the radio commentary team during a Manchester United-Aston Villa game.  As I looked through my notes recalling this amazing trip, I found a question about pies.  Perhaps an Englishperson could help me.

We went to Sainsbury's to shop for groceries for dinner on our second night in town.  My wife loaded up with all sorts of green things, but I found the counter with fresh pies.  I bought one of every variety of pork pie that was available.

Problem was, back at the flat, the oven started smoking when I turned it on.  (Don't worry, I turned it off.  No London Fire of 2015.)  I wanted a warm pie, not a refrigerated pie straight from the grocer's cold case.  

So, um... I used the microwave to heat each pie.

Was this a tremendous breach of Pie Etiquette?  Am I any less of a good person for having eaten microwaved pork pies?  

And when is Food Lion in Virginia going to start stocking these?  I'd probably keep them in business by myself.  


  1. How did you find the strange jelly stuff that encapsulates the pink stuff within the beige stuff?

  2. ... sorry - further to my previous comment. AFTER you heated it up. Pork pies are meant to be a cold snack.
