21 April 2020

Come to my AP Summer Institute... from ANYWHERE!

Folks, I know we're all in AP prep mode and novel-online-learning mode and survive isolation mode... but I'd like you to give a thought to your summer plans.  Depending on your location, there might never be a better time to attend one of my APSIs.

This year - and this year only! - I'm going online.  That means that even though, for example, my first institute is through Walton HS in Marietta, Georgia, I will be teaching from my classroom in Virginia - and you can attend from anywhere.  Now's the time to ask your school for funding.  No travel costs, no hotel costs, just pay for the institute.  

How does an online APSI compare to one in person?  (1) It will not, simply can not, be as awesome as when we're all in the same room doing lab work together, eating lunch (and sometimes dinner) together, even heading off to baseball games together. (2) It will nevertheless be fantastic.

In four days, we will discuss all sorts of how-to-teach physics ideas.  This will be your chance to ask me follow-up questions to blog posts, podcasts, youtube shows.  I'll let you know official College Board gospel about how AP classes work and how the exam works.  I'll give you some behind the scenes information from this year's (and many other years') reading.  I'll teach you how to grade an exam problem.  

Most importantly, I'll teach some of my classes so you can get a sense of the pedagogy I use and the content I teach.  I'll share with you gigabytes worth of files that are classroom ready for you.

Whether you're brand-new to teaching physics, or whether you're a veteran who'd like to learn new things and share your own ideas with others, you will find this institute useful.  In fact, this year in particular, I encourage you to sign up with a department chair or with another physics teacher at your school - it'll never be more affordable financially, it'll never be easier logistically.  (I mean, if you have your own kids at home, taking a week away is difficult - but taking a week-long online course from home is way less difficult!)

Each institute runs four days, Monday-Thursday.  We'll have live sessions in the morning and early afternoon; then in the mid-afternoon I'll make myself available for further questions while you have a chance to dig in to and ask about supplementary material such as the course description, AP classroom, my gigabytes of files, released exams, etc.

The first is through Walton High School - click the link for information and a registration link.  That's June 22-25.

The second is through the non-profit PWISTA and Purchase College.  That's June 29-July 2.

Here's the College Board link to the TCU institute, July 6-9

[Update June 8: I will no longer be doing the University of South Florida institute.]

Please contact me through twitter (@gregcjacobs) or through my Woodberry Forest School email if you have questions.  I'd love to see you - virtually - this summer!



  1. I'm not familiar with AP, but I'm interested in learning something new to support my physics teaching. How do these institutes differ from each other other than the dates?

  2. The don’t differ... sign up for the one that fits your schedule! If I find out that one is over-booked, I’ll let you know so you can choose the others!

  3. I am wanting to sign one of our Physics teachers up for the workshop. Who do I make the PO out to and would you be able to provide me with a W-9?

  4. Hi, Debbie! So, um... I don't know what a W-9 is. Someday Imma gonna just found a nonprofit organization to promote physics teaching nationwide. Until then, I'm totally a one-person show. I will upon payment provide a professional-looking receipt that has been working for people to take to their school for reimbursement; I'll provide a certificate after the institute acknowledging your teacher's participation. I don't know how to do POs, just paypal. Or, if you'd like to send a hard copy check, email me and I can send my address!
