28 April 2017

Mail Time: Last-minute questions before the AP Physics exams

The AP Physics 1 exam is next Tuesday.  Remember, no studying after Monday's class!  Lots of last-minute questions coming in.  Here are a few quick ones, with responses that sometimes are merely links to other posts.

From Nikki:  I'm confused on the AP Physics 1 Practice Exam Question 2. I understand the explanation in scoring guidelines, but it seems like they have ignored the PE due to the gravitational pull of the Earth and I don't understand why. Any chance you have some insight into this?

Nikki, the PE is for the earth-spring-object system, and is 1/2(k)(x^2) measured from the equilibrium position of the spring/object. This post gives further details.

From Paul:  If a student uses the language of calculus to justify or explain an idea on the AP exam, will that be accepted by the AP reader?  This came up because it is an algebra-based course.

Paul, please take a look at the second answer in this post.

From Matthew, four questions:

1) If you give practice exams ... What percentage on the multiple choice do your classes typically average? I am just curious as a gauge for myself and my classes moving forward.

Probably 60-65% on average with authentic physics 1 questions.

2) On the first FRQ part b is says a student would receive a point "for recognizing that the force causes a change in momentum or a change in velocity." Would the student have to state that? The question asks to calculate the magnitude of the external force on the system.

State or imply, mathematically or verbally.  Just writing "F=ma" doesn't cut it, but writing that and then trying to calculate a change in speed for a would probably earn the point.

3) If a student answer a part of the FRQ correctly and then adds something that is incorrect would they receive credit for the correct response?

No.  When there are multiple responses, we pick the one that earns the fewest points.  They can't game the test.  :-)

4) Is there any type of final reminder you cover with them before the exam?

Try this post here, about "BOUX" day.

From Michele: On the MC questions that are multi-select (two correct answers), how are they scored? Do students need to get both choices correct in order to receive credit?

They need both choices right to get credit.  No half points.

From Michael: For AP grading, are points taken of for not simplifying expressions?

Michael, as long as the solution is as required -- "solve for a in terms of given variables and fundamental constants" -- then any form of the solution is acceptable.

Got others?  Go ahead and post a comment or email me.  I'll see what I can do.

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