08 October 2014

5 Steps to a 5: AP Physics 1 Teacher's Manual now available

As part of the 5 Steps to a 5: AP Physics 1 book, I wrote a Teacher's Manual.  It's finally available... you can go to this page here [that no longer exists] to get it.  (You need to give McGraw-Hill your name and school address... uncheck the box about upcoming promotions, and I don't believe they will spam you about anything.)

I've listed many of my quantitative demonstrations in this manual, along with some general pieces of teaching advice which reprise things I've posted on this blog.  I've approached the manual under the conceit of "5 steps for you to help your students get 5s."  Hope you like it... Please send comments.

Update October 2023 - McGraw Hill has taken down the link.  HOWEVER!  The teacher's manual is now included in the 2023 and later versions of the 5 Steps Physics 1 books!  If you're having trouble finding this, please email me.


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